Sunday, April 1, 2007

San Francisco

4/1/2007 We had the weekend off, so off to San Francisco for the weekend. Friday night I saw Son Volt play at the Filmore. Great show, they started off with a bunch of songs off their newest album and a variety of other tunes including some favorites. They played for an hour and a half and then came out for a 4 song encore (in Anchorage they played for only about an hour). Encore included Windfall, and a Rolling Stones song that I can’t remember the name of. Great venue to see music and a lot of history. I had wanted to see Dark Star Orchestra (grateful dead cover band) on Saturday night but the shows were sold out. I walked over to see if I could find a ticket but got overwhelmed by the amount of people “looking for a miracle” and just the scene in general…maybe I’m getting older. The good news…Donna is playing with them now, some of you may know how I feel about Donna, let’s just say I’m not sorry I missed her.

Saturday I played tourist and went on a walking tour. North Beach (little italy, tons of cool cafés and restaurants), China Town, & Fisherman’s Warf. The weather was beautiful, and it seemed a popular destination for many, especially Fisherman’s Warf. I took a Bay cruise that went out past GG Bridge and Alcatraz. Too many people at the Warf for me, so back to North Beach for some more coffee. Sunday…Time to let my freak flag fly and head to the Haight. There are some great shops along Haight St. and I had to resist spending money, nice shops too, not just tie dyes, ponchos, and pipes. There was a film crew in Golden Gate Park. I tried to figure out what/who it was but no luck, I’m just going to believe that it was some really famous people and maybe someone taking pictures for People magazine caught me in the background. Lots of dirty hippies hanging out in Golden Gate Park, I felt like I was at Forest Fair.

1 comment:

Ross said...

"grateful dead" must be corrected to Grateful Dead. No big deal, probably just a mistake that proof reading would have caught.