Sunday, May 6, 2007

Fish are Friends

Skunked. (OK, one fish was caught so not technically skunked) A few bites, but my freezer is empty. Rats. We had a good time however, even experienced the "tractor launch". We still had a good time celebrating Cinco de Mayo. Hopefully the fishing in Homer this coming August will be more fruitful. This halibut trip is sort of an annual event that started with the fish crew at my office, I was lucky to be invited along. I was nicknamed Tangle Two (Tangle One is in the red jacket) we may have been involved in some twisted lines.

The days are getting warmer & longer, the talk no longer involves "how's the snow", "did they groom Stumpy's", "my pipes froze", "I pulled out of my driveway with the engine heater still plugged in". It has turned to "they put the nets up at the tennis courts", "I got my bike tuned up", "do you have bear spray", "cherry tomatoes are the only ones that have a chance" and "where's Ross".

1 comment:

Dear ol' dad said...

It looks like you guys had a great time but I think your frig will remain near empty once you dish up that fancy fish. I also hope the August fishing trip from Homer produces more than one fish - your aunt and uncle are looking forward to it.