Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I Blame My Mother

I cried last night while watching David Letterman. Yep, I think your supposed to laugh. But it was a good cry, a happy cry. Dalton Carriker, the newest Little League superstar, was a guest and it was probably the best thing I've seen on TV in years. I was also impressed with the way Letterman interacted with Dalton. It was as if he was reliving his own childhood and just soaking in the pure innocent energy oozing from this kid, and maybe pretending it it was really him that hit that homer. In case you don't know the whole story here's a link,0,3934530.story and here's another one

There is probably a You Tube clip of the interview, but apparently the Forest Service doesn't want me on You Tube at work, hmmm. I'll look for it later.
If everyone had passion and an attitude like this kid the world would be a better place.

1 comment:

Glenda said...

Don't blame it on your mom, blame it on the rain.