Thursday, February 7, 2008


In case anyone was wondering, I really like my new job. Yes, my old job could be seen as a little more sexy; trapping wolverines, wrangling oystercatchers, driving boats and snowmachines. And it was fun, but I like my new job. I get to use my brain. I learn new things everyday, work with great people, who actually like their job too. More stress in the terms of deadlines (deadlines?) but it makes the day go by fast and I like that I can help make other folk's job easier and I can also relax every once and a while and create maps that look pretty. Did I mention that EVERYONE works hard. Politics exist, but I'm still in the honeymood phase so I don't get wrapped up in it too much, nor do I think I will, not my style.

Well, I get asked two's the new job and when are you moving to I'd thought I'd address one of the two.

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