Monday, May 28, 2007

Spring Cleaning

I spent most of this weekend cleaning, what fun. My neighbor happened to have a steam cleaner so it got me excited to really get after it. Unfortunately I ended up breaking the belt on the cleaner, which created a trip to Anchorage, and even more unfortunate, Wal Mart was the only place that had anything close. I hate going to Wal Mart and today was no exception. But the carpets are clean. I've got the ceiling fan on and Agatha is petrified of it. I hope it drys fast.

I also did most of my container planting this week. I snapped a few photos because I'm curious as to how much they will grow while I'm out on my first trip of the season.

I head out to Prince William Sound tomorrow for an 8 day trip "oystercatchering". We are finishing up the western Sound inventory of black oystercatchers. This final effort is being funded by EVOS monies (Exxon Valdez oil spill); there are almost a dozen projects that the Forest Service has combined into a framework study that will assess the state of the Sound biologically and socially (recreation). I'll be working on another one of these projects this summer, creating a database of "biologically sensitive" areas. I'll be digging in lots of data from all sorts of agencies and putting it all into a GIS system. For example, migratory ducks molt before they fly south, while they are molting they are flightless and tend to congregate in sheltered areas for protection...I'll be figuring out where those spots are...or well "officially" putting them on the map so to speak. No field work for that project this summer, we'll be validating some of the sites next summer. I only have 3 trips in the field this season. 2 of which will be kayaking, not bad. And their not my projects so I get to go and have fun.

There is also a group tagging along on our BLOY trip that will be capturing and implanting satellite transmitters in the birds...looking to find out where wintering areas are. Should be interesting.

The week after I get back from this trip I'll be working with a group from Alaska Pacific University setting up a web camera on a Black-legged Kittiwake rookery. If we actually get the thing on the Internet I'll be sure to share the link. I'm not looking forward to hauling the 12v deep cycle batteries up the mountain, luckily those crafty APUers will rig up a system to help out. I'll be sure to take some photos.

This was pretty much the last weekend of "nothing"...looking forward to visitors, Mike in June, Charise in July, and the rents plus Aunt Pat and Uncle Clyde in August.

Spring is over, and now we're in the season I think should be called Winnebago.

Momma Kitty

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Me, Glenda, Amy, and Heather...Success!! A fun time had by all!! The weather was beeuuutifuuuul. I definitely had a great time and I think I did better than last year. I'm very proud of my Glacier City Ladies!!
Dad, Brothers and fishing buddies...I hope the fish are bitting & the Crown is flowing :)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

As Ready as I'm Going to Be

Tomorrow is the Gold Nugget Triathlon. I've been taking advantage of "carbo-loading". I just had to share the picture I got from Kate and Nolan, so cute, Thanks!!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Fish are Friends

Skunked. (OK, one fish was caught so not technically skunked) A few bites, but my freezer is empty. Rats. We had a good time however, even experienced the "tractor launch". We still had a good time celebrating Cinco de Mayo. Hopefully the fishing in Homer this coming August will be more fruitful. This halibut trip is sort of an annual event that started with the fish crew at my office, I was lucky to be invited along. I was nicknamed Tangle Two (Tangle One is in the red jacket) we may have been involved in some twisted lines.

The days are getting warmer & longer, the talk no longer involves "how's the snow", "did they groom Stumpy's", "my pipes froze", "I pulled out of my driveway with the engine heater still plugged in". It has turned to "they put the nets up at the tennis courts", "I got my bike tuned up", "do you have bear spray", "cherry tomatoes are the only ones that have a chance" and "where's Ross".