Friday, January 25, 2008

Kitty is a Funny Kitty

I came across this video tonight and thought I'd share it with the world. Some people find this incredibly fascinating. For me it's a daily occurrence, don't all cats eat with their paws? I had a friend that was cat sitting for me a while ago and had only heard of Agatha's interesting eating habits. He was so intent on seeing it first hand he laid down on floor so he wouldn't miss the action. He ended up falling asleep...and woke up at 3 am or something crazy like that.

Enjoy my very special kitty...this video is from a few years ago. (In case your wondering, that's Antique Roadshow that you hear on the TV).

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Got Snow?

A few pictures from a weekend ski trip out to Stumpy's Trail (trail starts behind the Our Lady of Snows church).

I also tried for the first time to telemark ski. I got tele gear this fall and finally tested it out on Saturday night. I think I may have actually linked 2 turns, which is great cuz it is really hard. A least for me it is really hard. But fun and I'm looking forward to learning and getting up to the top of the moutain, I'm starting on chair 3, the bunny hill for now.