Monday, September 22, 2008


Welcome Autumnal Equinox. We've got fresh snow creeping down the mountains and I wish we'd see it sooner everywhere. There are usually a few days this time of year when the whether and scenery are amazing. Today was one of those days. We've had so much rain so even a few hours of sun is a blessing. The colors are great and the mountains look super huge with the new snow on the peaks. Good to savor this time of year as soon the days will get darker and darker as we progress towards winter. October - December can be tough, especially if we don't get good early snow. I'm hoping I'll be occupied this fall with a move to the city, but I'm not finding what I want in my price range. I only allow myself to check the nets twice a day at work to look for new listings...but nothing. I'd like to move before the snow flies, or I'll for sure stay in Girdwood until the spring. Winters in Girdwood suck you in.

Big news around here are my new brakes, well just pads actually as the rotors didn't need to be replaced as well. I also got a big check thanks to the founding fathers of the AK PFD and Ms. you know who with her energy rebate. Funny, it's supposed to help offset the steep price of energy in AK, but I've heard a lot of remarks about new flat screen TVs. Well, I guess people will use less gas if they just hunker down in front of the tubes for the winter. Everyone wins!

I hope all are happy and well!

Photo is Center Ridge in Turnagain Pass - taken between the epic bushwhacks.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Birthday Hugs

I missed a birthday bash in MN today, but got to talk and catch up with most everyone. Wonderful. Hope all know that it is hard to be so far away.

Happy Birthday Mike, Noelle, Tim, Pat and Jacob!!

Big news in AK, and for the US in general I suppose, as Sarah Palin is named McCains VP. It's a big deal for Alaska and lots are very proud. I'm not going to get into politics here but it's no secrect that Obama's my man.

Thought since it has been awhile that I would put a few photos up. Enjoy.