Wednesday, February 13, 2008

When I Cook...

...I'm trying recipes from this cookbook. It is gloriously esthetically pleasing with gorgeous photographs, and the food is creative (yet not too weird), super tasty, and it helps use up the veggies I get from Full Circle Farm. Ms. Swanson also has a blog
I made the Barley style risotto the other night, but no picture cuz no one wants to see my kitchen. And I can't wait to try the hedgehog potatoes.
**this sounds like an advertisement, sorry**

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Not the best picture, but the sun is coming back. It's been really cold here, but the sunshine makes up for it. Pretty soon we'll be back to the land of light. Thank goodness!!

Enjoying a relaxing Saturday.
I was reminded today how being far from family is hard...I'm sending my Alaskan sister's family some love in the sunshine state.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


In case anyone was wondering, I really like my new job. Yes, my old job could be seen as a little more sexy; trapping wolverines, wrangling oystercatchers, driving boats and snowmachines. And it was fun, but I like my new job. I get to use my brain. I learn new things everyday, work with great people, who actually like their job too. More stress in the terms of deadlines (deadlines?) but it makes the day go by fast and I like that I can help make other folk's job easier and I can also relax every once and a while and create maps that look pretty. Did I mention that EVERYONE works hard. Politics exist, but I'm still in the honeymood phase so I don't get wrapped up in it too much, nor do I think I will, not my style.

Well, I get asked two's the new job and when are you moving to I'd thought I'd address one of the two.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My American Duty

Did you caucus today? I did. It took me 1 hour and 15 minutes to drive from my work to the middle school in Anchorage that hosted the caucus. My usual personality would have given up at the first sign of heavy traffic, but for some reason I kept crawling forward. I'm not sure why. Does Alaska matter in the establishment of deligates? In this election, you bet. Maybe that's why I tortured myself in traffic. AK will predictably go Red in November and there's nothing I can do about that. But tonight AK might actually have something to say for the Blue (did I mention I'm registered Green). The crappy thing...I like both she and he. Cool thing...they expected 1000-2000 people, and more than 5000 showed up. It is time for a change.

By the way, AK likes Obama.