Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial on the Kenai

How wonderful is it to take a break and spend time with friends doing fun stuff? Very wonderful. The weekend started off rainy but pulled through with some glorious sunshine in the end.

Friday night, Stacy and I headed to the AWA camp to meet up with her hubby Kyle and old friends Brooke and Brent for a little wine and campfire. It was great to catch up with these migrants who spend their summers in Cooper Landing. Also we were all treated to Brooke and Stacy's dance moves, which included my favorite, the robot.

Saturday was a slow start and the rain outside didn't help in the motivation department. We were anxious to see if our FWK would show up (Friends with Kids). Our plan was to camp at the Russian River Campground in Cooper Landing for 2 nights. Fishing doesn't open until June 11th so this usually ridiculously busy place was pretty mellow. We were very proud of our FWK, not only did they show up, we all had a wonderful time...

Kids love camping in the rain. Look at the cool outfits they get to wear.

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